Buildings | Buildings | Old House | Old House | House with Pati | House with Pati | Doorway | Neoclassical House | Pati and Sattal | Pati and Sattal | Pati and Sattal | |
Foto by Mudita Bajracharya in http://nepalitimes.com/news.php?id=4688#.VBKjptSJvIU
Foto by Mudita Bajracharya in http://nepalitimes.com/news.php?id=4688#.VBKjptSJvIU
Foto by N.N. in http://www.kvptnepal.org/20years.php
Foto by N.N. in https://dhogle.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/2007-1202-kathmandu-patan-01.jpg
Foto by yanivp31 in http://www.panoramio.com/user/1374044/tags/Nepal%20-%20Kathmandu
Foto by C. Brosius in http://www.asia-europe.uni-heidelberg.de/fileadmin/Pictures/women_pati_at_opening_day.jpg
Foto by Lucid Skies in http://lucid-skies.livejournal.com/43006.html
Foto by Bernd Mader in https://global-geography.org/af/Geography/Asia/Nepal/Pictures/Patan
Foto by N.N. in http://lalitpurmun.gov.np/en/photo-gallery
Foto by N.N. in http://lalitpurmun.gov.np/en/photo-gallery
Foto by N.N. in http://lalitpurmun.gov.np/en/photo-gallery