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Vajra Yogini Temple

Phampi Bahal Vajra Yogini, Gaganaksara Mahavihara

Three Roof Temple (Pagoda Style) of Vajra Yogini.
Vajra Yogini in the upper floor, Vasundhara, Shakyamuni Buddha (The Historical Buddha), Matsyendranatha (Avalokiteshvara).
One of the 50 Buddhist Power Places acc. Keith Dowman.
The two principal types of Newar Buddhist Monasteries - Bahil and Bahal - differ in their structural and social conditions.

No. 2

  • Foto by N.N.

  • Based on a Map in Carl Pruscha, Kathmandu Valley, Vol. 1, 1st ed., Wien 1975

  • Foto by Clive Smith in

 Dakshinkali - Vajra Yogini Temple Complex
 Vajra Yogini Temple

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  Last Update: Jan 25th, 2023

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