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Kathesimbhu Stupa

Shrigha Chaitya, Shantighata Chaitya, Srigata, Shree Gaa

Stupa (Monumental Chaitya). One of the 50 Buddhist Power Places acc. Keith Dowman. Pedestalstupa, Tibet. Centrum, "substitute shrine".
Minor damage 2015 by earthquake.

No. 29

  • Map from Carl Pruscha, Kathmandu Valley, Vol. 2, 1st ed., Wien 1975

  • Foto by F. Nunnemann in 2008 A.D.

  • Foto by F. Nunnemann in 2012 A.D.

 Kathmandu - Kathesimbhu Complex
 Kathesimbhu Stupa

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  Last Update: Jan 25th, 2023

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