White Machchhendranath Temple, Karuna Maiko Mandir, Lokeshwara Temple
There are four Machchendranats in the Valley, two red and two white. The locations are Bungamati resp. Patan, Chobar, Jana Bahal and Nala.
19th ct.
Map in Carl Pruscha, Kathmandu Valley, Vol. 1, Wien 1975
Foto by N.N. in https://www.facebook.com/NalaNepal/photos_stream
Foto by N.N. in https://www.facebook.com/NalaNepal/photos_stream
Doorway with Torana
Divankar and Karunamaya
Temple Bell
Temple Bell
Foto in Carl Pruscha, Kathmandu Valley, Vol. 1, 1st ed., Wien 1975
Foto by N.N. in http://guna.com.np/images/social-services/social-service3.jpg
Foto by N.N. in https://medium.com/@read_raks/cycling-to-changunarayan-nala-chandeswori-temple-banepa-ktm-1ab20447e33d
Foto in Carl Pruscha, Kathmandu Valley, Vol. 1, Wien 1975
Foto by Johannes Bornmann in http://www.bilder-aus-nepal.de/Pages/Bilderuebersicht/02.Kathmandu-Tal.html
Foto by N.N. in https://www.facebook.com/NalaNepal/photos_stream
Foto by N.N. in https://www.facebook.com/NalaNepal/photos_stream
Foto by N.N. in https://www.facebook.com/NalaNepal/photos_stream
Foto by F. Nunnemann in 2018 A.D.
Foto by F. Nunnemann in 2018 A.D.
Munindra R. Bajrycharya, Nepal´s Four Famous Karunamaya Lokeshwor,
Siddhi B. Ranjitkar, Rath Jatra of Rato Machchhendranath, http://himalaya.socanth.cam.ac.uk/collections/journals/ancientnepal/pdf/ancient_nepal_141_02.pdf