There are 8 Toles (Community Areas) in Sankhu acc. Bal G. Shrestha (2002) One of the 29 Rural Preservation Districts (RPD) acc. C. Pruscha (1975). Tentative List of the UNESCO World Heritage 2008 : Vajrayogini and early Settlement of Sankhu.
No. 41
Map from N. Gutschow, Newar Towns and Buildings, 1987
Map from
Map from Ulrike Müller, Die ländlichen Newar-Siedlungen im Kathmandu-Tal, Giessener Geographische Schriften Heft 56 (1984)
National Geographic Information Infrastructure Programme, Index of Geographical Names of Nepal,
Bal Gopal Shrestha, The Sacred Town of Sankhu: The Anthropology of Newar Ritual, Religion and Society in Nepal, Cambridge 2012
Heinrich Seemann, Nepal 2029, Stuttgart 1973
Ulrike Müller, Die ländlichen Newar-Siedlungen im Kathmandu-Tal, Giessener Geographische Schriften Heft 56 (1984)